Monday, 5 February 2018

Week 58: Ik heb het KOUD!!!

Yes, I heard about the Eagles!  It’s about time they won the Super Bowl. The last time they made it to the bowl was 2004 against the Patriots and they lost so this year was great to see that they had a revenge game, haha.  

It has been not snowy here but it has sure been cold! Yesterday was probs the worst day for it! and we were outside the whole day. I finally went to Amsterdam! I got to tour around the centrum a bit. A lot of my pics are really weird and random and that's because we did a scavenger hunt and had to photograph everything. So that’s why I have some really random pics of things but I'll just send them all to you. That was our pday on Monday, it was great. That night I stayed in Amsterdam and went on exchanges with Elder Harding. So I also got to look around the next day as well. It was fun. Amsterdam is a really weird place though with weird people, haha.

The exchange was great! I got to meet their top 2 investigators who are both on date to be baptized soon. They are super cool guys. We also had a lot of time to find new people. We went to the streets around the centrum and contacted every person we saw.  It was fun. We found one person in 5 hours, which is not great but it was fun to talk with Amsterdamers and walk around and tour a bit. There are so many tourists there and people who speak English! It’s crazy. I'm not used to walking around and hearing people having conversations in English! That night we had a dinner appointment and then exchanged back. The next day though we had to get up early to travel back down to Amsterdam then catch another train going to Zwolle for zone conference. I saw Elder Blackwell again [from Magrath] (in a lot of photos with me, haha) as well as Elder Cameron [from Calgary] and Elder White [from Ontario] and a bunch of others. It was great. It was a good conference.  Afterwards we stopped in Amsterdam central to grab some Turkish food with the Zaandam elders before we headed back to Alkmaar.

Thurdsay we had some cool lessons with new investigators. Other than that we didn’t do much other than finding but then on Friday we traveled up to Den Helder, which takes a long time. But there is a RM there who was willing to drive us around so we could contact all of our referrals up there. That was sick. We were also able to visit a less active who really appreciated us and a former investigator who made an appointment with us. So that was all productive. Then we came back and ended the day with a dinner appointment with family de Bruijn. They are so good at having us over every week. They are old and we know it’s hard for them but they still do it! It’s so nice, they actually just called us to make one for this week, haha.

The next day we had one with fam M and it was really fun. They had a friend over for dinner and we had a good time talking about tulips and skiing and other stuff. Then after I helped Bro M make a family search account. He is interested in family history but his tree wasn't very big. at all. like nobody. He had some names of relatives on a paper and after a ton of searching I found one of them and that led to a tree of a bunch more! It was so good and he really enjoyed it and thought it was cool to find more relatives he didn't know about. Then yesterday we went to check on one of our best investigators and he dropped us… really painful actually, he was so cool. Oh well. We then worked in Hoorn (city name) for 2 hours and found a new investigator. It was really cold. We talked to soooooo soooo sooo many negative old Dutch people, haha. They were so mean I couldn't believe it! Oh well. You get used to it. Oh and I had to translate in church yesterday, that was a first!

Questions for the week:
1.  How was church on Sunday?
2.  Did you get to teach anyone teach anyone this week?
3.  How did the finding go?  Did you get to Texel?
4.  Tell me about your dinner appointments, those are fun to hear about.
5.  Did you have any funny experiences this week?
6.  Are you doing well writing in your journal? (I included a new one in your parcel).
7.  What are you learning about in your studies?  Now that you’ve been a missionary for over a year is it hard to find study topics?

1. Good, I translated for a visitor from Las Vegas, Nevada.
2. A few people. We had no appointments set up so we just found a few people and also taught a less active and a former, so yes but not much. I set up a toooon of appointments for this next week though! We have 24 appointments... its crazy. We found 10 new investigators last week. That is a record for us for one week, so good, so ya, this next week we are packed FULL. We also have a ton of dinners. Gonna be great.
3. Good. Nope.
4. I did.
5. I was biking in Amsterdam with Elder Harding. We hear some loud yelling up ahead, sounded like a riot. We kept going and went right past this old man who was yelling at the top of his lungs. Then he sees me and points and yells “die jonge heeft last van mij!" which pretty much means "that boys got a problem with me!" so that was weird, I thought he was gonna come at me. Then around the corner we parked our bikes and then he bikes past us and yells “ik heb mijn haar niet gewassen!" in a sing songy voice and that means “I haven't washed my hair!" so ya, that was weird. He contiunied to yell things as he biked away… oh Amsterdam.
6. No haha... I broke my streak. I broke it bad. I need to get back into it.
7. Oh I don’t feel like that at all. I'll never run out of topics. I have been studying the gathering of Israel and religious tolerance lately and also a lot of cool things about the BOM. I read the conference talk by Tadd R. Callister, that is so good. It was on the BOM and he just says it how it is.

Okay that is all
Love bye, Elder Fernhout

Zone activity in Amsterdam

Albertan Elders Fernhout and Blackwell

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