Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Week 2 at the MTC

Hey mum, couple cool things that happened. Elder Neil L. Anderson [an LDS apostle] spoke to us yesterday. I took a lot of notes. I am currently sick [with a cold] which sucks so much. The days feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days. I met up with Mike and Brett and Ryan yesterday to take a pic before Mike leaves. I'll upload some more pics later today. I'm doing laundry right now. The language is coming good. Some days I feel great and others really not. Recently I feel really good about it all.

The food here is getting worse and worse. Sometimes they have fast food though like Taco Bell or Chick-Fil-A which is good. I often have an upset stomach. The TP here is awful.  I did end up finding hangers so don't send any. It would be nice if you could send me a water bottle.

Oh me and my comp got locked out of our room one night and had to run to the front desk in our PJs in the snow and with slippers. We didn't have our key cards so it took forever to get inside the main building. We got a replacement room key and headed back to our residence where we couldn't get inside that building either. So we threw snowballs at the windows until someone came to let us in. It was craziness but also fun. I am in a tripanionship right now because Elder Li went to a new district to learn English first.

Our schedule changed and I get to sleep in a bit now but I have gym class early in the morning. Gym gets hyped, we have rivalries with the other zones... volleyball is also fun and basketball too. But 4 square is where its at.

It feels busy and ya I have a good routine going. I sleep really good here. I fall asleep in about 10 mins every night but all the other guys say it takes them forever and that they wake up all the time. I am so glad I don't wake up during the night. Ya I am always learning. Aw poor Porter, I miss him [Porter howls when he is lonely]. Anyway talk later, ask me questions!

Terry's chocolate orange!!!

love you lots see ya.

1. What is the MTC store like? Did you buy anything?
2. Are you studying hard?  I bet you are learning good study habits and skills!
3. What are your teachers like?
4. Which missionaries are going to Trinidad?
5. Do you get along well with your district?
6. Do you have enough exercise/casual clothes?
7. Also, I’m getting the information ready for your missionary plaque to hang up in the church.  Do you still want to use Joshua 1:9 or do you have a new one you have come across that you like better?
8. Do you have any visa information yet?
9. Did you check out your blog?

1. store is cool, I have bought a pen and a notebook and chocolate covered cinnamon bears ;) [He knows those are my favourite] I get 6 dollars to spend every week but I have used my debit card once
2. I am studying hard but everyone in my district is fun so we often get distracted
3. I have 2 teachers, both are young returned missionaries, both girls. They are both going to school at BYU. Zr. Larsen and Zr. Hansen.  Zr. Hansen is a lot of fun.
4. Elder Andrews, Elder Keller and Zuster Jordan
5. Ya everyone in my district and zone are awesome, we all get along great and not one person is weird or anything. I am grateful for them all.
6. Ya I have enough clothes.
7. Ya I'll just use that scripture, I do like a lot of others but I can't think of them right now...
8. I had to poop in a cup for Belgium visa, one of the grossest things I've done... I've also had 1 shot and blood drawn so I think I'm good.
9. I haven't seen it yet but I want to! later today I will.

the worst of the visa requirements, on week #2 nonetheless, haha

studying so much is exhausting
food looks not bad!
His bed just happens to match the Netherland's flag
Lethbridge boys
Residence Hall
Elders Fernhout, Cameron, and Tanner
Provo Temple

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