Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Week 96: Spans!

It is going pretty good. Elder Clemente is my new comp, he's from Spain and has been in the mission field a year! We only speak Dutch with each other which is really fun. He only learned English a year ago at the same time as Dutch. We have been working hard these past few days and have been having success which is nice. We have had a few rainy days where we don't want to go out but we have and the weather has turned really nice every time. So that's nice. We have already found more investigators this week than I did all last transfer, haha. I am learning a bit of Spanish from Elder Clemente.

Elder Clemente has a cool background.  He was born into the church but was the only member in school (he is from Valencia). He is absolutely amazing on the piano, like I can't describe it. He has done it for 11 years. He studied at the conservatorium and has a degree in piano. He played at a jazz bar for a while to earn money for his mission. What's cool about him is most good piano players are good at classical, which I enjoy, but he can also do really really good jazz and blues. He just improvises everything. It's amazing. He played the hymns in church yesterday and had no time to prepare but just played an improv version of the hymns that was more fancy than the real thing. He also has perfect pitch and if you sing something he can play it on the piano. Not only that, but he plays guitar. He can also play things on the guitar if he hears it. So I have this fun game we play where I play a song on the speaker that I want to learn on guitar, then he figures it out and we play it. Even if there are 2 or 3 parts he can play the one and teach me the other. It's so cool! Anyway, he is a cool dude. He also loves cooking and is very clean.

Ya, we have money and food now. Thanks btw for everything. I really don't need much or expect much honestly. I like living like a poor man, at least a little poor.  It was Elder Clemente's bday yesterday and he didn't tell me!! He stayed up late 2 nights ago and the next morning surprised me with a cake for his bday... what a guy. I will definitely miss it here. It is so close to the end of my mission now that I can feel the want to be back here already and miss being a missionary. It motivates me to work harder. I will so so so miss just being a missionary.

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