Monday 9 July 2018

Week 80: Gemeente Raadgever

Good to see Elder Blackwell made it home safe. Ya, I am in his old area.  Ah, I love the Willoughbys! Monday night we had FHE with the YSA at this member's house, that happens every week. It is so fun, we play a bunch of games and eat dinner.  On Tuesday we met the president and he is super cool! Pretty much all meetings will now be in Dutch, well Flemish. He is pretty spunky and hyped. We all like him. On Wednesday we had a few appointments with members and also branch council. Thursday we had a lot of appointments with less actives. Friday we did a ton of service, lots of yard work. Saturday was awesome because we had a ward BBQ. It was great! Sunday was good, we always have to sit on the stand and if you show any sign of being tired the members will roast you, haha. It's really hard. You also get self conscious about everything, like if you are blinking too much or crossing your legs weird or all kinds of things.

Questions this week:
1.  Did you meet the new mission president and his wife yet?
2.  It looks like Lelystad is an island, do you take a lot of trains then? Are there a lot of bridges?
3.  What are your impressions of your new area?
4.  I’d like to hear about your duties as branch counsellor?
5.  Is the four man apartment working out well?
6.  I’d like to hear about the work this week?  Are you able to find many investigators?  What do you focus on in the area?  What is the best way to find?

1. Yes!
2. Yes it is. No we bike a lot, we don't cover a very large area. Ya, a decent amount of bridges, nothing like Brugge though.
3. It's good. I really like the youth and members here!
4. We have a lot of meetings and we come up with activities that would be fun for youth and we help out with less actives.
5. Really well!
6. We got nothing this week.... We are doing a decent amount of doors. We found a crazy Canadian Indonesian Dutch photographer motorcylce hunting military Christian guy last night! That was fun.

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